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Close Sales Deals Like a Pro

Close Sales Deal
No matter how unique your products/services are, you need to close sales. Launching targeted B2B campaigns, lead generation, and brand promotion – must lead to a purchase. Here are some effective sales tips to get started.

1. Understand Your Customer

Narrow down target customers and identify their pain points

  • Develop a buyer’s persona and analyze buying behavior
  • While selling to a brand, determine how your products will add value
  • Find out their likes/dislikes and where they’re in their buyer’s journey

2. Develop a Sales Proposal Having Social Proof

Utilize social proof of how your brand has benefited customers

  • Include case studies, white papers, and market reports
  • Add top testimonials, user-generated content, and reviews
  • Influencer reviews and positive customer interviews
  • More than 70% of sales people use social networking to outshine their peers

3. Build a Solid Connection

You must connect with the customer through your products or services

  • While offering your services, try understanding their problems/needs
  • Highlight how your brand will add value to their lives
  • Offer them a free trial and money-back guarantee to build trust

4. Don’t Let the Customer Forget You

Stay on your target’s mind through various marketing campaigns

  • Send personalized emails promoting your products
  • Promote products on your customer’s preferred social media platforms
  • Utilize website analytic data to send personalized text messages
  • Develop attractive digital ad campaigns to hook customers
  • Receive 60% more rewards through such a customer-centric approach

5. Follow Up Frequently

Follow up a few days after pitching your products

  • The first follow up call can be after 2-3 days
  • Remind them of your services after a week via email or personalized messages
  • Follow up through their preferred medium – phone, email, or social media
  • 50% of sales occur after the 5th contact, so don’t give up

6. Automate Sales Processes

Leverage technical solutions to close faster

  • Implement chatbots for resolving customer queries and qualifying leads
  • Segment leads into prospects, cold, hot, closed, and impressed
  • Use an automated CRM dialer to call customers and add notes
  • Utilize CRM calendars to schedule meetings and set notifications
  • Automate emails and social media campaigns to save time

7. Consider the Customer’s Opinions

Factor in the customer’s feedback to enhance sales strategies

  • Ask them what’s stopping them from making the purchase
  • If they feel your products are pricey, offer them a discount
  • If they’re unsure about benefits, provide case studies
  • Based on the opinions, revamp the sales processes
  • Follow up with the updated sales pitch

8. Use Better Closing Statements

Use impactful closing lines to seal the deal

  • Are you ready to utilize our services for your firm?
  • Ready to solve your [problem] with our [solution]?
  • Let’s discuss the final expenses
  • When would you like to place the order?
  • Would you prefer to pay by cash or credit card?

9. Ask for Feedback

Request customers to share their purchase experience

  • Ask how the product or service benefited them
  • Talk about customer support, delivery, and payment convenience
  • Discuss whether they would love to explore other products
  • Send a brief feedback form to gather customer insights
  • Incorporate the inputs into your sales process

10. Conduct Sales Training

Upskilling your team is crucial in achieving sales goals

  • Conduct offline and online training sessions
  • Discuss recent marketing trends and sales tips to close better
  • Talk about common customer pain points, problems, and solutions
  • Ask sales executives to share their experiences during sessions
  • The global sales training market is worth $4.6 billion

Diana Morris

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